Flussfahrt nach Battambang
Um 6 Uhr holte uns der Minibus ab. Ueber eine grausame Buckelpiste erreichen wir schliesslich das Pier, eigendlich nur ein grosses Schlammloch (siehe Bild). Die Fahrt mit dem Boot dauert 8 Stunden, versprochen waren 6 und natuerlich starten wir mit 1 Stunde Verspaetung. Das Boot entspricht in keinster Weise internationalen Sicherheitsstandards, die Fahrt war fantastisch. Oft ist der Fluss so eng, das die Aeste ins Boot hineinreichen, dann hilft nur Kopf einziehen. Wir fahren vorbei an einheimischen Fischerdoerfern und schwimmenden Haeusern. Kinder winken uns im vorbeifahren zu. Am Ufer sind viele Krokodilskaefige zu sehen.
At 6 o´clock we get an pickup from our guesthouse. After a awful ride over an bumpy, dirty road we arrived at the pier, seems not to be more than a big muddy hole (see pic). The bootstrip took 8 hours, they told us 6 and of course it started 1 hour later than expected. The boot meet in no way international safety standards, and the tour was fantastic. Often the river was so small that the tree branches came into our boot and we had to move in our heads. We drove along the river, passed fishing villages and swimming houses. The children are waving and smiling to us. We see a lot of crocodile cages on our way.

At 6 o´clock we get an pickup from our guesthouse. After a awful ride over an bumpy, dirty road we arrived at the pier, seems not to be more than a big muddy hole (see pic). The bootstrip took 8 hours, they told us 6 and of course it started 1 hour later than expected. The boot meet in no way international safety standards, and the tour was fantastic. Often the river was so small that the tree branches came into our boot and we had to move in our heads. We drove along the river, passed fishing villages and swimming houses. The children are waving and smiling to us. We see a lot of crocodile cages on our way.

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
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